In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
The title of the magazine
When creating the title of my magazine I wanted it to be simple but catchy to appeal to my target audience. I liked the thought of creating an abbreviation as my title so it would be memorable, so I came up with the name 'MigMag'. 'MIG' being the abbreviation standing for 'Music Industry Gossip' and then 'Mag' for magazine, as most teenagers refer to magazines as 'mag'. I chose Billboard magazine as my style model as I believe it is much more appealing to the target audience I was aiming for. I thought my target audience would appeal to this style more as it is a much more mature style rather than a "Top Of The Pops" styled title, which can come across a bit more younger and bubbly. This is my masthead and Billboard magazines masthead. As you can see they are very simplistic but very effective, clear and noticeable at the same time. I wanted my text to be simple and not too 'in your face' to reflect the genre of the magazine and relate to my target audience. When deciding on

Mise En Scene of the images
Images are an important part of my magazine as it is instantly the first thing my audience will see. This will draw interest to my audience and will influence their decision on whether to buy it or not. The front cover image is the most important image of the magazine so it was vital that it was modelled exactly how I wanted it. I also wanted it to suit the cover story and with the cover story being "I still get nervous" I thought it would be good that my artist was looking away to emphasise her feelings of being nervous. At first I was quite unsure about having her look away because it is important to have that connection with the audience and having them looking directly forward, but I tried and I just didn't get the same effect I did with this image to match my cover story. So I researched my style model Billboard magazine and looked at all the different front covers and I found this one (below) and I instantly got drawn to it and found it intriguing. So that gave me more of a positive outlook on having my artist model looking away. My main target audience is teenage girls so I instructed my model to wear a girly dress, something that's in fashion and that would catch the eye of my audience. With tartan being a very popular fashion trend at this current time I thought it would be perfect for her to wear this certain dress which also matched my colour scheme. Although this is not a fashion magazine I thought it was important to make her dress within the current fashion trend as that's what girly teens are interested in and what they are automatically drawn to. I really like the brightness of my image, when I originally took the photograph it came out slightly duller than the image is now but I really liked the photograph because it suited my cover story perfectly so instead of retaking a similar image I added an effect which then brightened it up.

On my contents page I have an image of my artist walking away. I faded it out so it was easy to see the text going above (image left) I think this is really effective. I really wanted to include an image from the main shoot on my contents page and I thought this was ideal as it wasn't too much and didn't draw too much attention. It also gives an idea on her style of music. I also included some separate pictures that I took on a site specific location, for example an image of my artist and another artist in a nightclub, which gives us a nightclub lighting and links to what will be included within the article. Also another image of a picture I took of my friends with Union J which promotes the competition held within my magazine. (Images taken below)
Font and Style

Written Content
In my magazine contents page I wanted to write a bit more information about what my main article would include so it would be more interesting for my audience to then go and read it. It was easy to know what to write to attract my target audience as personally this is the type of magazine I would read so I know myself what i'd like to see. In this little insight paragraph I have included things from the article that my target audience would want to read more about.

Music Genre
The genre of my magazine is Pop/Acoustic. The artist I have used for my magazine is a mixture of both. I believe that my magazine makes this clear. It was important that I got my model posing and dressed to pursue this role so the genre of the magazine is clear. I also use bright colours, this adds to the genre being pop/acoustic as if it was a rock magazine the colours would probably be darker (mainly tend to be black and red). So I think the colours i've used accurately suggest the genre i've put my magazine under. When choosing what I wanted my model to wear I needed to make sure it was in fashion and that it also matched the colour scheme. When I chose the dress I thought it matched perfectly, not only did it suggest the genre of music she sings, it also was within fashion and something my audience would instantly be attracted to. It was important that I got my model posing in the right way. Being more of an acoustic singer, holding her hair and looking away instantly shows this and also gives an angelic, shy image which suits the cover story. The front cover of my magazine I believe shows the genre perfectly. All of the storyline's on my front cover are very 'gossip' like and involve well known pop singers so it instantly suggests the genre I have aimed to pursue.

The layout is an important part of any magazine. It is very easy to create a front cover that doesn't look professional and a big part of that is the layout so its important that I got it right. Before deciding the layout of my magazine I researched many magazines that are published for the genre mine is based on. There were loads of different types. At first I was going to follow top of the pops type layout but I soon realised that it was very over crowded so it was easy for it to look quite messy and unprofessional if I were to recreate that style. I found Billboard magazine and I instantly decided I wanted to use that as my style model because it wasn't over crowded but at the same time it wasn't too simple. I really liked the variety of colours Billboard used but it still didn't look too much or over crowded. I obviously didn't want my magazine to look exactly like Billboard magazine, I wanted to make it my own. So with that in mind I added in extra conventions that Billboard magazine didn't have for example: A footer including posters that are included inside, also I added a more obvious colour header to compliment the front cover whereas on Billboard magazine its just text above the title.

At first I was worried that I didn't write enough pages, but I didn't want my magazine too big. As I said previously, this is the type of magazine I would buy as I am conveniently my own target audience. When a magazine is bulky and thick it puts me off buying it. I think my magazine has just the right amount of pages to please my target audience and leave them wanting more.
I included Twitter, Facebook and Instagram icons on my contents page. With the magazine having a profile on these sources, widens the audience majorly. The majority of the age bracket that my magazine aims to impress mostly spend their time on social media apps such as these ones. With the audience being able to follow us on social media sites allows them to be notified when our new issue is out, what will be included etc. which will then make our magazine sell faster. Also it gives us a chance to widen our audience allowing more people to discover our magazine and then onto purchasing it.

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